Official Title
Physician Initiated Expanded Access Request for Treatment Use of Migalastat Hydrochloride (AT1001), an Investigational Treatment for Individual Patients With Fabry Disease (AT1001-188)
Brief Summary

This program allows physicians to request permission from Amicus Therapeutics (Amicus)for treatment access to migalastat hydrochloride (HCl) for specific adult patients withFabry disease. Treatment is open label for 6 months with renewal every 6 months.

Detailed Description

This Physician Initiated Request program allows physicians to request permission from
Amicus to receive migalastat HCl for specific patients with Fabry disease who have a
mutation amenable to this treatment, who do not have access to available treatment
alternatives, or do not meet requirements for participation in an existing migalastat
clinical study. Up to 20 patients worldwide may be treated. Patients must meet specific
criteria to receive Amicus permission for participation. Key criteria for participation
include: 16-74 years old; Confirmed GLA gene mutation shown to be responsive to
migalastat; Have no treatment option because either unsuitable for enzyme replacement
therapy (ERT) or unable to access ERT. Requirements for sufficient kidney function. If
permission is granted, initial approval is for a 6 month supply of migalastat HCl with
renewal every 6 months available upon meeting continued eligibility.

Approved for marketing
Fabry Disease

Drug: migalastat HCl

150 mg capsule taken every other day by mouth. An inactive reminder capsule may be
provided to take on the days in between migalastat HCl
Other Name: AT1001, migalastat

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- Confirmed GLA mutation predicted to be responsive migalastat in the human embryonic
kidney (HEK-293) cell-based assay

- 16-74 years of age

- Strong clinical indication for treatment of Fabry disease

- No other treatment option including either unsuitable for ERT or unable to access

- Appropriate female and male contraception

- Willing to receive treatment with migalastat HCl via this program including having
signed an authorization for sharing clinical data

Exclusion Criteria:

- Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) or GFR <30 mL/minute

- Scheduled for renal or other organ transplant or replacement therapy

- Receiving GLYSET® (miglitol), ZAVESCA® (miglustat) or enzyme replacement therapy
FABRAZYME® (agalsidase beta) or REPLAGAL™ (agalsidase alpha)

- Contraindication to migalastat, i.e., sensitivity to other iminosugar such as
miglustat, miglitol

- Treated with another investigational drug within 30 days of start of migalastat HCl

- Unable to comply with study requirements or deemed otherwise unsuitable for study
entry in the opinion of the investigator.

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 16 Years ~ Maximum: 74 Years
United States

CHOC Children's Hospital Division of Metabolic Disease
Orange, California, United States

University of Maryland Medical Center
Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Kidney Care and Transplant Services of New England
Springfield, Massachusetts, United States

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
New York, New York, United States

Royal Melbourne Hospital
Parkville, Victoria, Australia

Medical Monitor, Clinical Research, Study Director
Amicus Therapeutics

Amicus Therapeutics
NCT Number
Lysosomal storage disease
Lysosomal Storage Disorder
Fabry disease
MeSH Terms
Fabry Disease