The objective of this study is to provide remote mindfulness session(s) to help during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The objective of this study is to provide remote mindfulness session(s) to help during the
COVID-19 pandemic.The investigators are interested in targeting patients with migraine,
providers, faculty and staff. The investigators are hopeful that this will positively impact
overall well-being at this stressful time. The investigators are interested in assessing
feasibility, accessibility, and overall interest of an online mindfulness intervention in
these populations at this time.
Behavioral: Mindfulness session(s)
The sessions will be hosted online using an online platform (such as through webex, private YouTube page, Facebook live, etc).
Inclusion Criteria:
- Any person interested in participating in the mindfulness session will be eligible to
complete the pre/post surveys and participate in the mindfulness session.
Exclusion Criteria:
- None
Wake Forest Health Sciences
Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United States
Rebecca E Wells, MD, MPH, Principal Investigator
Wake Forest University Health Sciences