The study aims to investigate organ dysfunction and biomarkers in patients with suspectedor verified COVID-19 during intensive care at Uppsala University Hospital.
Consenting patients with suspected or verified SARS-COV-2 infection, COVID-19, will
undergo daily blood, urine and sputum sampling during their stay in intensive care. Data
on organ dysfunction will be collected through the electronic patient journal and
electronic patient data management system. The collected samples will be analysed for a
panel of potential biomarkers that will be correlated to organ dysfunction and clinical
Inclusion Criteria:
- Admitted to intensive care
- suspected or verified COVID-19
Exclusion Criteria:
- Pregnancy or breastfeeding
- Under-age
Uppsala University Hospital
Uppsala, Sweden
Investigator: Robert Frithiof, MD. PhD.
Contact: 073-6563473
Robert Frithiof, MD. PhD.
Sara Bülow Anderberg, MD.
Robert Frithiof, MD. PhD, Principal Investigator
Uppsala University Hospital