Despite new charachersitics of COVID-19 patients, critical care implementation seems to be similar to those with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) in intensive care units (ICU). Regarding the initial gravity of these patients, sedation and neuromuscular blockers are usually administrated, increasing the risk to develope an ICU-acquired weakness which is directly correlated to morbi-mortality and a burden during recovery. Respiratory symptoms are mostly related to dyspnoea and non-productive cough, with only 33% of COVID-19 patient having a bronchial hypersecretion ; consequently, chest physiotherapy is only implemented in after case-by-case evaluation. This unprecedented situation requires to identify how physiotherapy is being implemented in COVID-19 patients in ICU. This retrospective, multicentric study aims to identify the charactheristics of physiotherapy (type and time spent) implemented in Argentina, Belgium, Chili, France, Italy and Spain
- Demographics data : hospitalisation date, ICU date, COVID+ date, extubation date,
discharge date, mortality
- ICU data : ventilatory mode, type of physiotherapy implemented (early rehabilitation,
chest physiotherapy, time spent (minutes), number of interventions per day.
Other: Phsyiotherapy
To observe if patients with COVID-19 benefice of physiothersapy, which kind and how many time
Inclusion criteria:
- Age > 18 years
- Patient admitted in ICU
- Patient with COVID-19 diagnosis
Exclusion criteria:
- Explicite denie to participate in the study
Montpellier, France
Roberto Martinez-Alejos, MD, PhD, Study Director
University Hospital, Montpellier