Patients who meet inclusion criteria will be randomized into treatment vs control group. Treatment groups will undergo Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) and compared to the control group.
After enrollment, patients will be randomized into treatment vs control group. Both
populations will receive the same inpatient medical treatment. All patients in the treatment
group will undergo hyperbaric oxygen therapy under the same treatment protocol. After
completion of the treatment protocol, specific study endpoints will be compared between the
treatment and control groups.
Device: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy delivered at a specific uniformed pressure and duration.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Adult inpatients >18 years old
- Positive PCR COVID-19 testing
- CT evidence of interstitial opacity
- Oxygen saturation <90% on room air
- pO2 = 55-70.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Increased oxygen requirements
- Hemodynamic instability (MAP<65)
- Bradycardia (HR<50)
- History of seizure disorder
- Pneumothorax
- GFR<30
- Hemodialysis
- Refractory anxiety/claustrophobia
- Current pregnancy
- Uncorrectable hypoglycemia
Ochsner Medical Center
New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Jeffery S Kuo, MD, Study Chair
Ochsner Health System