Official Title
The Effectiveness of Video-Based Exercises in Young Adults Under Social Isolation Process Due to Coronavirus
Brief Summary

In December 2019, the new coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) exploded in Wuhan (Hubei, China) and spread rapidly from one city to the whole world. This virus resulted in a total of 1679720 confirmed cases and 101734 deaths worldwide. All countries in the world are taking some precautions to prevent the spread of this epidemic disease, which World Health Organization (WHO) declared as "epidemic". Staying home and social isolation are among these precautions. For this purpose, it began to implement the curfew for all individuals on 10 March 2020, Turkey. However, not leaving the house and social isolation bring about the limitation of physical activity. Physical activity (PA) is defined as anybody's movement produced by WHO by contraction of skeletal muscles. Studies investigating the relationship between social isolation and health behavior report consistent findings. Individuals with smaller social networks report less healthy diets, excessive alcohol consumption, and less physical activity. Traditional exercises; It takes place outdoors in gyms or rehabilitation centers. However, with the increase in the time we spent at home due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic, technologies have been used as an alternative method. Home-based exercise programs are also a viable solution to prevent various health problems that may be encountered in this direction. The decrease in physical performance is associated with loss of muscle strength, low quality of life, emotionalization, comorbidity, premature death, and increased health costs. When today's conditions are evaluated, technology-supported education programs are effective in increasing motivation for physical support. The purpose of this study; To prevent the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak, to evaluate the physical activity levels of individuals between the ages of 18-40 who have social isolation due to the measures taken in our country and to investigate the effectiveness of their video-based exercises.

Detailed Description

Sedentary life invites various diseases. Especially cardiovascular diseases are the leading
ones. Researches show that the rapid development of technology has pushed people to laziness
and therefore to immobility. A sedentary lifestyle causes many serious health problems. Many
diseases such as obesity and cardiovascular diseases, which are characterized as contemporary
diseases, such as muscular weakness, postural disorder, and diabetes are more common in
immobile and sedentary individuals.

We know that still life has some drawbacks. These may cause tissue injuries between the
vertebrae and kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis problems, respectively. It may also cause
calcification in the lumbar vertebrae, disc problems, risk of sciatica, and an increase in
excess adipose tissue under the skin. Again high blood cholesterol and triglyceride findings
and blood sugar abnormalities may occur in the blood table. Of course, the susceptibility to
high blood pressure, the loss of elasticity of the rib cage, low respiratory capacity, and
the risk of coronary vascular disease may be uncertain. Still life can create weak abdomen
and back muscles, posture disorder, digestive and excretion difficulties, postpartum drooping
abdomen, hip slope abnormality, loss of strength, flexibility and functionality in all muscle
and muscle groups, weight problem and formlessness. Also in skeleton structure; osteoporosis,
calcification, joint problems, easy injury, weak body, easy sickness and recovery can be
observed. All these diseases are serious health problems that can be encountered in
individuals who do not exercise regularly. In many developed countries of the world, people
have included sports in many compulsory habits such as eating, drinking, lying, education,
and worship. This compulsory exercise is a lifelong activity in humans. People who make it
compulsory to exercise will feel discomfort as soon as they do not.

At the moment, we know that the most valid method to protect against coronavirus is to stay
at home. Many scientists are told that this virus protection is to strengthen the immune
system through exercise, and that the weight problem can be eliminated with exercise due to
staying at home all day long. Because, it is explained one by one that exercise will increase
the body resistance of the people, children and adults will stay away due to movement from
obesity, the skeletal-muscular system will be regular, and the social environment will make
people healthier.

In addition, constant home, restricted mobility and freedom, limited sociability, decreased
communication, increased social-physical distance with our loved ones, and decreased physical
contact can make us more depressed, angry and anxious.

For all these reasons, the home quarantine process created due to the Corona virus
necessitates exercise. We believe that this process can be managed in the most effective way
with video exercise and information booklets in order to reduce inactivity in this process,
which is left at home with the philosophy of life is movement, movement is life.

Science and technology have been developing since the day human beings existed. Technology;
It is used in many fields such as education, health, communication, defense, industry and
transportation. Technology has brought many benefits and a new perspective to the health
sector as well as other fields. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the effects of the
exercise program that we applied remotely with video-based exercises during the quarantine
days on the parameters such as physical activity level, balance, endurance, sleep quality,
depression, anxiety and quality of life.

Social Isolation

Other: Study Group

Video Based Exercises 64 young adults aged 18-40, who are socially isolated due to coronavirus, will be included in this group. A video-based exercise protocol was created for individuals to participate in the study. Each exercise session is planned as 30 minutes 7 days a week for 6 weeks. The protocol was planned to start with warm-up exercises and end with cooling exercises. The exercise protocol has also been determined as a combination of aerobic exercises, strengthening and posture exercises. Individuals will be classified at 4 levels according to their physical activity levels and will be shared with volunteers according to their level of exercise. Volunteers will be evaluated before and after 6 weeks of exercise.

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- Being between the ages of 18-40

- Being a healthy individual

- To have the ability to understand and apply written and verbal instructions in
education videos and booklets.

- Being in the process of social isolation

Exclusion Criteria:

- Exercising regularly for the last 6 weeks

- Taking a break from sports due to sports injury

- Having a coronary risk factor or any chronic condition that we cannot deal with

- Having a neurological problem

- Clinical conditions such as infection, kidney failure, thyrotoxicosis that may affect
exercise performance or aggregate with exercise

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: 40 Years

İstinye University
İstanbul, Turkey

Istinye University
NCT Number
physical activity
Young adults