The project is an observational, prospective study. Its aim is to deepen ourunderstanding of COVID-19 in older patients hospitalized and diagnosed with COVID-19.In particular, socioeconomic, diagnostic, biological, functional, therapy data will becollected at the patients' admission, during hospital stay, at the discharge and 1, 3, 6,12 months after discharge.Results and findings will help support changes in clinical practice and decision making,with the aim to reduce the use of healthcare services and the healthcare expenditure.
Current knowledge about clinical and biological characteristics of COVID 19 among older
people is very limited. A better comprehension of the clinical picture of older patients
affected by COVID-19, (e.g. frailty, multimorbidity and polypharmacy patterns and
functional performance) may significantly contribute to deepen our understanding of the
clinical epidemiology knowledge of COVID-19 among hospitalized older people.
Therefore, the ReportAge-COVID project aims to collect - using a minimum clinical and
biological data set - a series of data and indicators on the conditions of elderly
patients that are suspected of having a compatible clinical picture or were confirmed
positive for COVID-19. Data will be collected at the patients' admission, during hospital
stay, at discharge and 1, 3, 6, 12 months after discharge.
In particular, the following specific pieces of information will be gathered:
- routinely collected demographic, socioeconomic, clinical, biological and diagnostic
- frailty condition (by using the clinical frailty scale)
- assessment of the functional capacities through ADL and IADL tests
- health conditions; nutritional status; medications; treatments and procedures
- biomarkers of aging including cytokines and anti-inflammatory molecules, previously
identified in a focus group of experts
Results and findings will help support changes in clinical practice and decision making,
with the aim of reducing adverse outcomes, the worsening of health conditions in the
elderly population, the use of healthcare services and, as a consequence, lower
healthcare expenditure.
Inclusion Criteria:
- diagnosis of COVID-19
Exclusion Criteria:
- no informed consent
Ancona, Italy
Casatenovo, Italy
Fermo, Italy
Anna Rita Bonfigli, PhD