AiCuris develops Pritelivir oral tablets for the treatment of acyclovir-resistant mucocutaneous herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections. A phase 2 trial in immunocompromised patients is ongoing in the US. AiCuris supports expanded access requests for Pritelivir oral tablets for the treatment of eligible patients and collaborates with myTomorrows to facilitate early access to Pritelivir for acyclovir-resistant mucocutaneous HSV infections in immunocompromised patients.
To get access, patients need to consult with their treating physician to explore all treatment options. If the physician agrees to a treatment with Pritelivir oral tablets and to oversee the patient's treatment, the physician should contact the myTomorrows medical team for more information on this EAP. When providing medical information about the patient, please note that only anonymized data shall be included in any patient information. Due to EU data protection law this shall not be accompanied by personal data.